Samar Boulos

Samar Boulos is promoted to be the General Director of Safadi Foundation and is based in Tripoli, Lebanon. She brings over 15 years of experience as a local development specialist with nation-wide reach, teacher and community organizer.
Samar started her career at Safadi Foundation as a Senior Program Officer in the social development sector, and in 2015 she was promoted to the position of Director.

Lately Samar was also nominated as advisor for the minister Violet Safadi .

The municipality of Kafaraka congratulated Samar Boulos for the new position.

Water Channel at Asfoura

After the problem that occurred in 2017, the overflow of water greatly affected a number of houses at Asfoura section. The municipality of Kafaraka resorted to corrective measures and, hence, implemented a project at Asfoura section. This project was initiated in summer 2018. Moreover , it consists of building support walls for the existing water channel. After the recent evaluation of this project, successful results were shown.

Dr. Riad Elia Makdessi

Doctor Riad Makdessi was promoted as director of the Centre MINE of the Lebanese University
Careers, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Centre.

The municipality of Kafaraka congratulates him for the new position.


The hydrogeological study showed that the main source of underground water is in the area of Saint Nouhra. The land is owned by the Orthodox Church.The municipality council got the formal approval from the orthodox church for the project. The file was submitted to the ministry of water and energy. On November 2017 ,project was approved by the minister. On December 2017 the project is in the phase of calling for offers.

On 21 November 2018 the drilling of the well started.


The new water network can not conform to Lebanese standards and specifications unless it is connected to a controlled pressure reservoir.
The reservoirs in the Hill of St. Barbara are in very bad condition. We have contacted the ministry of water and energy. The project of rebuilding new reservoirs was accepted.

On the beginning of 2017, Kafaraka municipality solved all the problems related to the legal requirements. The ministry of water and energy completed the site investigation , the geotechnical and engineering studies. The project is currently in the phase of invitation for tender.

On November 2018 , the contractor started pouring concrete for the foundation.