Kafaraka Festival 2018 Third Day

The municipality of Kafaraka wanted to set aside a special night not only for the Koura citizens but also to encourage all Lebanese peoples to visit the village.
On September first, a special dinner was organized with the participation of singers Rogar Khoury and the traditional Syrian song ‘s king Shadi Jamil.
Rogar Khoury performed a special show with multi- types of Lebanese songs until midnight. Shadi Jamil continued the event with non stop show until early morning. The atmosphere was romantic, charm, exiting and unforgettable.


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Kafaraka Festival 2018 First Day

On Friday 24 – 08 – 2018 , an unfavorable opening ceremony for Kafaraka festival took place with the platinum star Carole Samaha and George Nehme. A crowd of more than 3500 attended this evening.


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Saint Mary

On the occasion of the feast of Saint Marry, the parish organized a cruise of the Miraculous Icon of the Virgin (Lady of Kafaraaka ) . The parishioners participated, carrying the candles and singing the hymns of the feast. At the end the icon was placed in the church and the believers Take the blessing.


Children playgrounds

The Municipality has prepared a complete and detailed project for the construction of playgrounds for children in the town. Unfortunately, the municipality does not own any lands for implementing the project. A discussion is opened with the Orthodox Church to implement it in the plot of Saint Nouhra.
The file and request were submitted , noting that the UNICEF showed some interest about supporting the project.

The municipality of Kafaraka got the agreement from the church and the implementation of the project started in June 2018


The municipal council supervises the execution of the sewage project in Dahr al Mazraa, Asfoura and Al-Talaa .
As for the other parts in Kafaraka, the municipality studied with experts from the Ministry of Energy and water, the condition of the actual sewage networks. In summary the majority of the sewage network doses not conform to Lebanese standards and specifications. The study expects that the most of the existing networks will become sources of unpleasant odors and insects in a period not exceeding five years
Accordingly, the municipality of Kafaraka undertook a comprehensive study to modernize the sewage network in the town. The Ministry of water and energy approved the plan prepared by the municipality. The project includes the entire network in the village and the valleys. We expect in the near future to start the executing of the project scientifically and correctly.
Our expectation is to solve the problem of the waste water for the coming 50 years.

The execution of the work started on May 2018 and we expected to be finished by the end of the year

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Alain Moussa

Alain Moussa is the Top 1 at Arab Shooting Championship. The municipality of Kafaraka congratulates Alain for this great achievement.